Friday, August 12, 2011

Team Update!

Well, the last few days have been pretty incredible. We started VBS yesterday (Thursday) and that was pretty amazing. We have been able to share the love of Christ with about 600 orphans for the last 2 days. They've learned new songs like: Marvelous Light, Happy Day, Jesus is my Superhero, and a little remix of the Banana song. They've learned dramas, heard a few messages, and done some legit crafts. I want one. We played tug o war with 150 kids at once and a ridiculous game of kajabe can can that well...was dangerous. :)

You have probably heard about our team members that got sick. They are all better now. At final count we only had 12 of us at VBS today. Amilcar, Janette, Josh, Lisa, and Michele stayed back with a bit of a stomach bug. It seems to have been food poisoning/heat exhaustion. Anyway, they are all better now and we have 2 days of ministry left.

Please pray that we are all able to stay focused on the mission at hand as the trip winds down.


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Day...I don't remember

We are back!! We got back from the village yesterday and man a lot has happened...way too much for 1 post. The great thing about that is, you'll get to talk to whichever team member you are following about all of the amazing things God has done.

I'll sum it up very quickly.

Since my last post we have had 5 outreach crusades where many have came to faith, dedicated 2 water wells, hosted 2 medical camps, visited orphanages and schools for Untouchables, blessed many different pieces of land that Harves India is planning on building more orphanages and elderly homes on, and much more ministry in the village we stayed in.

Literally every single person on the team has had the chance to speak to the people here either in a message or testimony.

VBS starts tomorrow and that is going to be a whirlwind of chaotic worship and teaching on Jesus to almost 1000 orphans.

Keep praying for us. We still need boldness. We also need prayers for health as many on the team are having minor digestive issues (go figure). Pray that God goes before us to change the hearts of those we are ministering to. Also pray that we are continually humble as the trip continues. The people here bless us so much. It's actually a pretty cool picture of Gods people blessing each other with their gifts and talents.

We are praying for all of you. May the lord bless and keep you.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Day 3

It's 8am here in Tenali so it should be about 730 at home. This trip has been absolutely amazing so far. This may be my last post for a while as we are moving into a village for the next 4 nights. It should be awesome to be with the people in the village sharing the love of Christ on a daily basis.

Here's a recap of yesterday which primarily centers around the Leper outreach.
We split into two teams so we could effectively minister to 370 lepers. We had 2 worship teams, testimonies, and messages. On one team we had Kathleen giving the message, Rene and Carlos leading worship with Shauntelle, Larry and Lisa, Rene shared his testimony, Carmen, Amilcar, and Karina prayed for all the people. Everybody was saying the message and testimony were perfect together. Of course God planned that out.

On the other team Charlie gave the message, Blanca shared her testimony, which yet again matched up perfectly. Janette was our emcee, Robin, Josh, Michelle, and Smirna were our worship team, and Kevin got some great footage. Charlie gave a call to faith at the end of the message and 15 people accepted Christ for the first time. Most of the people there have heard and believed already, which is awesome. We also prayed for everybody including a week old baby they had out there.

The Leprosy camp was a huge majority of our day.

Later we did a mercy ministry and Kevin blessed and prayed over the people before we gave out a bunch of food to people living in the slums.

It was a great day.

We are about to have our Sunday morning devotional and worship time. Then we will split up and go to two different churches to share the gospel and encourage our brothers and sisters here. Later today, Karina will be dedicating a water well and we will be doing two night outreach crusades where literally hundreds if not a thousand people will hear the gospel for the very first time. Josh, Carmen, Janette, and Amilcar will be speaking there. Pray for God to move hearts, to send His Spirit and to speak boldly through us this evening.

Thank you for your prayers. We will update when we can.

Read Ephesians 2:1-10 as the passage for today. Pray that passage is believed and shared with love.


Friday, August 5, 2011

Day 2

Wow!!! Today was an amazing day of ministry!

We started off the day being split into two teams. Josh, Larry, Smirna, Robin, and I went to a Bible college and each of us got the chance to speak to the students. Josh shared from 1 and 2 Timothy about being obedient to your calling. Smirna shared from Ezekiel 47 and how those students and us are the temple of the living spirit, and living water flows from us to give life to those who are dead. Wow. Larry shared about the authority we are given from Jesus from Matthew 10. Robin shared from Matthew 4 about being fishers of men. I finished up with the importance of the gospel and how it has saved us, is saving us, and will save us from 1 Corinthians 15.

Then we met up with the rest of the team at the wedding. Amilcar got to do his very first wedding in India!!!! He will definitely never forget that first wedding. It was beautiful. At the reception, I kind of persuaded everybody to try the warm buffalo milk that they all drink. Haha. That was funny...nobody got sick. :)

Then we got to visit the HIV/AIDS hospice that Harvest India owns. Wow. What an experience. There was a 14 year old boy there with AIDS who we played with and he told the translator he was so happy because usually people just come and say hi then leave. I, Charlie, let him play Angry Birds on my phone. He loved that.

We went to an elderly home after that where Larry blessed all the people to open. Karina then shared a bit of her testimony and reminded them all that this life is temporal and that they have a future in heaven. It was great. Then Carlos shared a bit and prayed.

It was really a phenomenal day. Tomorrow we will do the leprosy camp, a mercy ministry (food), and more. I'm sure it will be amazing too.

Please pray for continued boldness and health for the team. Some are getting little colds...nothing serious:)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day 1

We woke up this morning to an amazingly cool day. God is absolutely blessing this journey already. We will be visiting an elderly home and the red-light district today to share the Uncomparable love of Jesus. The team is in unbelievably high spirits. Please pray for boldness so we can each step into the works that God planned for us in advance.